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Archaeological site Toca da Onça, Vale do Paranã - Goiás, Brazil

We are a family owned and operated business.

The Lapa da Pedra archeological site, also known as Toca da Onça, is a rock shelter located in the central-western region of Brazil. Characterized by the occurrence of several panels of rock painting, both on the ceiling and on its walls, the vast majority of the figures are geometric representations, above all lines, points, circles and abstract shapes that are associated in the composition of a more complex iconography. Some panels were painted on smooth surfaces, while others were made on uneven surfaces taking advantage of the rock's own recesses for the symbolic materialization of the message. In 2016, two excursions were carried out, both conducted by the guide Noel José Santos and the archaeologist Kenia de Aguiar Ribeiro

We are a family owned and operated business.

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