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The "central plateau" is the region that is located in Brasilia, the modern capitale brésilienne. Cette région comprise a grand territoire situated in the middle of the pays not the height of the mille mètres. Berceau hydrographique du pays, ce plateau est doté d'une végétation three emblématique: le cerrado , sort of savane basse. Well, the archéologiques sites de cette région soient inconnus de la plupart des Brésiliens, l'archéologie e connaît un essor de quelques années.

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Les sites pour les les je m'intéresse à Pierre du Bisnau et la Grotte de l'Once . It is a part of a kilometer of l'un de l'autre, a chronologie reste encore a mystère ainsi that l'origine des hommes qui e ont laissé leurs traces sur les pierres. In click on the image, you see it, in a video mission, with the Brazilian sites that have the sign of the civilization encore inconnue de la science.


La carte ci-dessous montre la localization des sites archéologiques brésiliens déjà étudiés, selon l'approche du Musée d'histoire naturelle de l'université de Minas Gerais (UFMG).


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La préhistoire du Brésil

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History of Earth and Man from the Central Plateau: Eco-history of the Federal District - Paulo Bertrand

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Brazil before Brazilians - André Prous

La Pierre du Bisnau

Etude and comparative analysis of rock art in the region of Goiás, Brésil - Adriana Finamor Vanderlei, 2000

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Imaginary and tourist experience at the archaeological site Bisnau - Hugo Emanuel de Almeida, 2015

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Field recording techniques of the Pedra do Bisnau petroglyphs - Marco Monteiro, 2015

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Production lithique au Brésil

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Industries lithiques du center et du nord-est du Brésil pending the transition Pléistocène – Holocène et l'Holocène ancien: the question of Technocomplexe Itaparica - Antoine Lourdeau

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System of Debit in Open Lytic Site (DF-PA-11) - Edilson Teixeira Souza

We are a family owned and operated business.

A techno-functional and evolutionary approach to the plan-convex instruments (slugs) of the Pleistocene / Holocene transition in central Brazil - Emilio Fogaça

We are a family owned and operated business.

Archeology at ARIE JK in First Person - Renata de Godoy

We are a family owned and operated business.

Assessing Heritage Values: public archaelogy in Brasilia - Renata de Godoy

We are a family owned and operated business.

Archeotourism in the Cerrado and in the Amazon: two pieces of the same pot - Renata de Godoy, 2015

We are a family owned and operated business.

ARIE-JK: social, archeological and environmental importance - legal (dis) paths and challenges - Davi Silva Fagundes, 2014

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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